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Worple Primary School

Drawing and Talking

What is Drawing and Talking?

Drawing and Talking is a therapeutic Intervention that helps with underlying emotional difficulties that may be affecting the child’s learning and behaviour. The child works with the same person, at the same time and in the same place each week for a total of 12 weeks. Each session lasts 30 minutes. Having the sessions at the same time and in the same place helps create a predictable, safe environment. The core of the method is for the child to draw and the adult asks non-intrusive questions about the drawing. Drawing and Talking stays in the world of the child’s drawing. The child sets the pace and decides what to bring to the session. Once they feel safe, their imagination begins to unfold. This enables them to express their worries and preoccupations in a visual form.

Children that will benefit from this Intervention:

  • Not realising their full potential either academically or socially
  • Is at risk of being /is excluded from school
  • Has suffered trauma
  • Has suffered trauma
  • Is/or in the process of being adopted or fostered
  • Suffers because of separated or divorced parents
  • Suffers from anxiety, stress or phobias
  • Has suffered a loss or bereavement of any kind
  • Is withdrawn or continually unhappy
  • Finds it difficult to make friends
  • Is ill, disabled or autistic
  • Displays inappropriate behaviour
  • Doesn’t play

Mrs Karen Patton delivers the Drawing and Talking Intervention.

Drawing and Talking is an internal referral done by the teacher or Hope Inclusion Team. If we feel your child will benefit from Drawing and Talking, Mrs Patton will contact you for your consent and to answer any questions you may have.

If you would like any further information on this, please contact Mrs Patton on: office@worple.hounslow.sch.uk