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Worple Primary School



At Worple we believe the study of MFL enables children to develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as ‘World Citizens’ who belong in a multicultural, mutually respectful world. Lessons are introduced at an early age and the intention is for them to be fun and engaging!  We want our pupils to be keen to participate and make progress in being able to converse using useful sentences to communicate in other languages.

At Worple our intent when teaching French is to:

 Deepen children’s understanding of the French language and culture,

  • To foster children’s curiosity about the wider world
  • And to encourage new ways of thinking

Practical opportunities are provided for the pupils to communicate in French, both through speaking and writing, with increasing confidence and fluency.


French lessons are delivered using interactive teaching units from Rising Stars, which include animations, photo stories, word-bank flashcards, games, songs and rhymes.

Children are given opportunities to speak and write in French and accurate pronunciation is encouraged through listening to native French speakers. Children make links to other languages that they speak or have knowledge of.

French is taught as a weekly 30/45 minute session from Y2 upwards. Worple follow the Rising Stars Scheme of work for Key stage 2 and in Year 2 the pupils learn from a range of resources including - Songs and rhymes - and from the French Institute, covering topics including colours, Days of the Week, Body parts and Greetings.


By the end of Key Stage 2 every pupil at Worple Primary School has an understanding of the spoken and written French language and has a positive foundation for further foreign language teaching at Key Stage 3.

Additional Links:

French Year 2 - 6 Long Term Subject Plan