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Worple Primary School

The School Day

The school day at Worple starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm for all children from Reception to Year 6. 

Nursery children attend morning sessions starting from 8:45am to 11:45am. 

Attendance is monitored closely and pupils are encouraged to develop positive patterns of attendance and punctuality in order to maximise their time at Worple Primary School.


If you are running late which can sometimes happen, please ring the school office to let us know on: 0208 321 8100.

Punctuality is an important life habit. The gates close at 8:50am so please arrive in good time so that your child/children don’t have to rush and feel stressed at the start of the day. Late arrival can be disruptive to everyone in the class.  On any rare occasion that you might arrive after the gates have closed, you will need to take your child to sign in at the school office via the main reception.

After School

Pick up time in the afternoon is 3:15pm sharp. If for some reason you are delayed or any arrangements change then please do ring the office on 0208 321 8100.


If your child is too unwell to attend school, please call the office on 0208 321 8100 or email office@worple.hounslow.sch.uk on each morning of the absence before 9:00am. If your child is off for 3 consecutive days, we will require a note from your child’s doctor.

Request for Leave of Absence

As a Parent/Carer with whom the child lives you should complete an application for a ‘Leave of Absence’ if you are requesting leave of absence during term time. You can complete the form online below. Alternatively, you can request a paper version from the school office.  All parental forms can be found under the 'Parental Forms' section under the Parent tab.

Leave of Absence form

There is no entitlement to leave in term time and Parents/Carers should not expect leave of absence to be granted as of right.

Approval is discretionary and only in exceptional circumstances. It is possible in extreme circumstances that your child could be removed from the school roll and you would need to reapply for a place on your return.

Please return the completed form to the Headteacher no less than 4 weeks before the date when you want the period of absence to start, stating your reasons for needing to take your child out of school during term time.