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Worple Primary School


Collabor8 is a partnership of 8 local primary schools in Hounslow often referred to as C8.  Apart from Worple the other 7 members of the partnership are; Ivybridge , Isleworth Town, Smallberry Green, Hounslow Town, Spring Grove, Alexandra and Chatsworth.

We have been working together for approximately 16 years with the aim of improving the educational opportunities and outcomes for all pupils within the partnership.

There are many opportunities for our staff to work together, share expertise and develop policies and practices across all our schools. Pupils have had opportunities to work together on enrichment activities such as our School Council’s Conference, Debating, Science enrichment days as well as taking part in interschool competitions for D&T., writing and sports. 

Our partnership work stems beyond working with our local primary schools. As well as being part of Collaborate 8, we also work in very close partnership with a local secondary school, Brentford school for girls. This has bought numerous opportunities for our staff and children.

As well as the sharing of resources, we have been able to use the expertise gained from specialist teachers in the arts and to enhance our provision in other subjects including maths and English. This partnership has enabled us to ensure that our children are ready for secondary school, as well as providing opportunities for enrichment for all, our most able children have had the opportunity to extend their knowledge working alongside secondary school staff in year 6. Below is a list of some of the activities which we have been involved in: 

  • Year 6 maths programme- extending the most able mathematicians
  • Arts festival
  • Involvement in school performance/ lion king workshops
  • Teacher subject partnerships
  • Sports activities
  • Computing workshops
  • English SATs workshops