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Worple Primary School

Special Educational Needs & Disability

At  Worple we strive to support all our children enabling them to be the best they can be while in our care. Our aim is to remove barriers to learning and work to children's strenghts. Through Quality First teaching,  we aim to make learning accessible to all. We use a range of strategies, including adaptive teaching,  to ensure children are supported to make progress in their learning. We want all our children to enjoy their time at school, embracing all the opportunities it offers and to achieve age related levels. 

All children are valued, respected and equal members of the school community.  For some children however, there may be times when they need additional support on their journey.  For these children we believe early intervention is key and we endevour to work with families to support children to access learning through a better understanding of their type of needs. 

Children with SEND will have requirments that fall into at least one of the following 5 areas.  

  • Cognition and Learning 
  • Communication and Interaction 
  • Sensory/Physical 
  • Behaviour, Emotional and Social
  • Medical Needs 

SEND C0-ordinator 

Our Special Educational Needs co-ordinator (SENDco) is Val Hurn and our Assitant SENDco is Karen Patton. Both can be contacted through the school office by telephone on 0209 351 8100 or by email at: senco@worple.houslow.sch.uk

SEND Local Offer 

Every local authority has a  SEND Local Offer. This is there to provide information, help, guidance and support for Children and Young People living with SEND, their families and SEND professionals all in one place. The SEND Local offer contains information in the areas of Education, Health and Social Care as well as various community activities including clubs, support groups and other local, regional and national services.  To visit Hounslow's Local offer, please use the following link: https://fsd.hounslow.gov.uk/synergyweb/local_offer/  

Our school policies and information

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Accessibility Plan